How Do You Know If Your Tree Is Sick?

Blog cover image of How do you know if your tree is sick?

How to Identify Sick Trees Assessing the health of trees can be a difficult task, one that demands more than just a casual glance. Unlike diagnosing human ailments, identifying the distress that trees endure is an art form. Often, by the time the signs of distress become evident, it’s already a dire situation, requiring immediate…

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Soil Injections

Soil injections blog cover

Many different types of chemicals are used in tree care that are not necessarily beneficial for all areas around the distribution area, which is typically an area where your family and your family pets spend a lot of time. At B.G. Services, your overall Tree Health Care professionals, we go above and beyond to be…

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Tree Hazards

Tree Hazards blog

Trees can become a hazard when there is a target… This target can be a structure, vehicle, or person that can potentially be struck by a falling tree or by one of its limbs. Circumstances such as shallow root systems which can be caused by trees growing along bodies of water or rock ledges and…

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